Perth Criminal Lawyers, Traffic Lawyers, Trial Lawyers, Barristers & Solicitors
At NR Barber Legal we have significant experience providing a wide range of legal services to clients based in Perth, Southern Suburbs and the State’s regional areas.
We also accept legal aid work and can assist in the application for legal aid for eligible clients.
Contact us for a no obligation fixed price initial case assessment at our offices; from $180 (see Fees page for more details).
Experienced & Understanding Perth Legal Services (including weekends)
Our focus is on wise, efficient counsel to get people through a difficult process that is respectful, understanding and cost effective. We get to know our clients and work hard with them to get their desired outcome.
We provide legal services and Criminal Defence Lawyer services in areas such as Criminal Law Matters (Magistrates Court, District Court, Supreme Court and Court of Appeal), Bail applications, Traffic matters, Drink Driving, Reckless Driving, Speeding Offences, Extraordinary Drivers Licences, Sex Offences, Indecent Dealing, Stealing as a Servant, Restraining Order Matters, VRO, Drug Offences, Burglary, Council Law and Council Legal Matters, Fraud and Criminal Injuries Compensation, offences related to mental health issues including ASD (formerly known as Asperger’s), prepares Wills and Powers of Attorney as well as representing you at a Trial if required.
We also provide compassionate and empathetic representation for child sex and child sex abuse claims. We realise the complexity and unique nature of these offences and recognise you need a lawyer with a certain understanding and skill set for these representations.